Differences in sparkle finish &
glass glitter
Q: What is the difference between sparkle drum finishes and glass glitters? Is the champagne sparkle available in glass glitter?
A: Sparkle and
glass glitter finishes are similar in that they are both
a two ply finish, consisting of a white backing and a transparent color
overlay, with some type of aggregate material sandwiched between them to
produce a sparkle effect. The aggregate for the sparkle wraps look like
small, six sided pieces of a silver, foil like material, that are
scattered over the white backing before being Ianilnated with the color
overlay. In the case of silver sparkle, the overlay is clear. The glass
glitter finishes have a crushed glass aggregate, which tends to give a
more random sparkle effect that reflects light better than the standard
sparkles. Champagne sparkle is different because the aggregate consists
of very small flecks of copper and silver, and is sandwiched between two
sheets of clear, so it is not available in a glass glitter.
Generally speaking, the standard sparkles cost about 25% less than the
glass glitter and about 40% less than champagne sparkle. Glass glitter
wraps are more difficult to work with, as the sheets seem stiffer and
more brittle than standard sparkles. They both come in a variety of
colors, including red, blue, green, purple, turquoise, tangerine, gold,
silver and black.